Tier 1
The Basics
A public campaign to reach parents of children younger than five-years-old, The Basics shares five evidence-based parenting and caregiving principles about what is important for children’s development and learning experiences based on those principles. Alignment Rockford uses Basic Insights texting and Ready to Learn with The Basics kits to saturate the community with The Basics messaging.
A platform for text messaging, Basics Insights provides simple, science-based tips and community messages to parents of children ages 0 to 5. Ready to Learn with The Basics kits include a developmental toy, a magnet with Basics Insights information, and a Basics Rockford activity book with a QR code that leads to the community’s single point of entry referral system.
In partnership with UW-Health Swedish American Health System and OSF Saint Anthony, Alignment Rockford distributes Ready to Learn with The Basics Rockford kits to families in the hospital’s labor & delivery departments and clinics. Ready to Learn with The Basics Rockford kits are also distributed to parents who participate in Discovery Center classes. Alignment Rockford has distributed kits to over 3,500 mothers of newborns.
Circle of Security
A research-based parent education program, Circle of Security supports and strengthens secure parent-child relationships. Facilitators provide guidance to parents utilizing Circle of Security content in fostering a deeper understanding of attachment and parenting dynamics.