
360 Bridge Model

A framework for relationship-based consulting

Four icon shapes arranged in a pattern. Decorative.

Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Approach

The ECMHC program utilizes the 360 Bridge Model for Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Framework for relationship-based consulting. This unique approach operationalizes the flow of the consultation engagement into distinctive, guided phases grounded in the relationship between the provider and consultant.

The 360 Bridge Model aligns with and builds upon the Illinois Model for Infant/Early Childhood Consultation which establishes a clear foundation by defining the consultant’s role, identifying the competencies of a consultant, and articulating the components of consultation.


  • Initial contact with site and review of services, introductory material
  • Assessment and collaborative development of consultative plan
  • Site tour and informal observations
  • Reflective learning


  • Bi-weekly or weekly visits
  • Consultation plan implemented and reviewed every 4-6 weeks
  • Pyramid Model used in concert with consultation to build staff capacity
  • Intentional coaching, professional development, and group consultation
  • General and individual observations
  • Evaluative discussion and movement to monitoring phase


  • Follow-up activities related to consultation plan
  • Reduced coaching frequency, more check ins and fewer child-specific observations
  • Spot check general observations
  • Referrals for individual observation continue
  • Evaluative discussion and movement to maintenance phase


  • 1-2 hour visits as needed
  • Consultant plans with provider to transition responsibility for plan-capacity-building
  • Active consultation transitions to a close after 60-90 days
  • Provide may still reach out for support as needed

Expected Outcomes of an Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Engagement

  • Increased teacher and director/administrator knowledge of child development and ability to intentionally teach social-emotional learning.
  • Decreased use of suspensions and expulsion, as well as instances or perception of behavior challenges in the classroom.
  • Improved communication between programs and families.
  • Increased SEL competencies within adults, including a decrease in adult desire to “control” activities and behaviors.
  • Decreased teacher/administrator stress, burnout and turnover.
  • Improved quality of relationships between parents/guardians and children, teachers and children, teachers and parents/guardians, and within teaching teams.

Connect with an Early Childhood Mental Health Consultant!


312.310.1783 | 773.230.3366



Deborah Chalmers, Director of Early Childhood Mental Health

Brumentha Bony, Program Manager

Margaret Khoshaba, Program Manager

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