CCAP Provider Health & Safety Training

Providers receiving CCAP funds must complete specific health and safety trainings and have a current CPR/First Aid certification to remain eligible for CCAP funding. All applicable providers must be members of the Gateways Registry and track training completion on the Illinois Gateways website.

Health and Safety Training Requirements:

  • Any provider approved on CCAP after October 1, 2022 has 90 days from their CCAP approval date to complete their trainings.
  • All license-exempt centers (761) & non-relative license-exempt childcare home providers (764, 766) must complete Orientation Training Requirements and Annual Training Requirements.
  • All non-relative license-exempt providers that were approved on CCAP prior to October 1, 2022, must complete Orientation Trainings as soon as possible. If trainings are not completed, providers will not be approved for new or redetermined cases. Providers can be reinstated when trainings are complete.
  • For license-exempt centers (761), training requirements apply to the director and 100% of classroom staff.
  • For non-relative license-exempt childcare home providers (764, 766), training requirements apply to the primary childcare provider, aides, and substitutes.
Happy African American preschool teacher smiling in a classroom at the school

Additional Training Information

Annual Training Requirements:

Providers must complete 6 hours of annual training via the Gateways Registry, Illinois i-learning courses, and/or Health & Safety-approved courses offered by Illinois Action for Children.

Health and Safety Monitoring Visits:

All license-exempt centers (761) & license-exempt daycare homes (764) are required to receive an Annual On-Site Health and Safety Monitoring Visit.

Relative Providers:

License-exempt relative providers (765, 767) are exempt from the training requirements, but are encouraged to complete the trainings listed above to provide healthy, safe, and appropriate care.  

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Our Health and Safety Coaches provide 1:1 support to CCAP Providers. From assisting you with training requirements to providing technical assistance, our coaches are ready to assist you with support and resources!

Connect With A Health & Safety Coach!

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Additional Resources:

Have Questions? Get Answers.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to a member of our Healthy and Safety team today!