Advocacy & Policy

Illinois House District Profiles

The Illinois House of Representatives is the lower chamber of the Illinois General Assembly. Alongside the Illinois State Senate, it forms the legislative branch of the Illinois state government and works alongside the governor of Illinois to create laws and establish a state budget. Legislative authority and responsibilities of the Illinois House of Representatives include passing bills on public policy matters, setting levels for state spending, raising and lowering taxes, and voting to uphold or override gubernatorial vetoes.

To learn about the child care and early education landscape in your community:

  1. Click on “Find Your Legislator” and enter your address to find your district.
  2. Using the tables below, expand the section that includes your district number.
  3. Click your district number to view the child care and early education profile for your district.

Please note: While these profiles include data from 2020, we are currently in the process of  updating them to reflect more recent 2023 data, which will be shared after we get final statistics from the U.S. Census Bureau.

Illinois House District Profiles

State House District 85 – Dagmara Avelar

State House District 85 – Dagmara Avelar