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Illinois Action for Children, through the Illinois State Board of Education’s Community Systems Statewide Supports Program, hosted the 2018 Partner Plan Act conference on June 12th in Bloomington, Illinois. This conference shared information on Illinois Action for Children’s new Community Systems Development Team, strategies for bolstering early childhood collaboration efforts, and stories of successful partnerships.
It was a great opportunity to convene early childhood stakeholders together. The diversity of experience encouraged rich peer learning and networking. You can download any of the presentation materials here:
- WELCOME: Theresa Hawley, Senior Vice President of Public Policy and Innovation, Illinois Action for Children, Expanding Possibilities for Children through Collaborative Partnerships
- AM BREAKOUT SESSION: Essential Mindsets and Practices for Leading Community Systems, Presented by Christina Foster of Foster What Matters, Inc.
- AM BREAKOUT SESSION: Effective Strategies for Supporting Priority Populations, Presented by Susan Reyna-Guerroro of Children’s Place Association and Carie Bires of the Ounce of Prevention Fund
- PM BREAKOUT SESSION: Integrating ABLe Change into Collaborative Practice: AOK Networks’ Story, Presented by Ana Maria Accove of IDHS, Christina Foster of Foster What Matters, Inc., and Julie Herzog, Tazewell County Health Department
- PM BREAKOUT SESSION: Early Childhood Expulsion Legislation: From Passage and Implementation to Best Practice, Presented by Maria Estlund, Illinois Action for Children
- PM BREAKOUT SESSION: What is Mental Health Consultation? Presented by Cris Stanek
- CLOSING: Choua Vue, Senior Director of Community Impact, Illinois Action for Children and Julia Zhu, Community Systems Policy Director in the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood Development, How Are We Moving Forward?
We have already begun planning the 2019 Partner Plan Act conference. Check back soon for more details on how to register!
A big, special “Thanks!” to our partners who helped make the event possible: ISBE, INCCRRA, the Governor’s Office of Early Childhood, the Ounce of Prevention, and the planning advisory committee.