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“Differences are not intended to separate, to alienate. We are different precisely in order to realize our need of one another.” -Desmond Tutu
Community Systems Statewide Supports (CS3)
The CS3 team continues to develop the 2022 Collaboration Directory, featuring the work of community collaborations across the state. If you have not submitted your collaboration’s updated information, please do so ASAP. This directory is used as a way to connect with other collaborations and recognize the local work happening across Illinois. We expect the directory to be finalized in late March and look forward to sharing the new version with you.
We welcome opportunities to highlight the work your collaboration is doing! Please reach out to Kristina Rogers (Kristina.rogers@actforchildren.org) if you would like your collaboration to be featured in an upcoming e-newsletter.
Birth to Five Illinois Update
New Opportunities from Birth to Five Illinois
Birth to Five Illinois held their virtual, regional kick-off events February 1-5, 2022. Thank you to all who were able to attend! They are excited to share some new opportunities and resources as they work to stand up 39 Birth to Five Action Councils and Family Councils across the State, currently excluding the City of Chicago.
Appy Now: Regional Action Council Manager
Birth to Five Illinois is in the process of hiring a Regional Action Council Manager in each of the 39 regions, currently excluding the City of Chicago. Each Regional Action Council Manager will be responsible for establishing and growing a Birth to Five Action Council to support expanding access to affordable, accessible, high-quality Early Childhood Education and Care services that meet the needs of families, especially those furthest from opportunity. The ideal candidate is comfortable in a “start-up” environment with the skills to learn in real-time, pivot quickly, and effectively engage a broad spectrum of community members. Apply Now!
Join Your Regional Action or Family Council!
Birth to Five Illinois is working to stand up one Birth to Five Action Council and on Family Council in each of the State’s 39 regions, currently excluding the City of Chicago. Each region’s Action Council will have around 15 members with a wide variety of experience. Each region’s Family Council will have around 15 family members with young children and/or experience with Illinois’ Early Childhood Education and Care services. Please visit their website for more information on both of these councils and to complete an Interest Form! Information and Interest Forms are now available in Spanish and English and will be available soon in Polish as well. Learn More & Fill Out an Interest Form
Additionally, Birth to Five Illinois invites you to view:
- Regional Illinois Early Childhood Asset Map (IECAM) datashared during their kick-off events that highlights community characteristics and early childhood services in each region.
- YouTube channel, where you can find Spanish and English versions of the kick-off event welcome video and an animation describing the work to elevate regional and community voice.
Both Spanish and English speakers can email info@birthtofiveil.com with any questions. Or feel free to fill out the Contact form on the website, available in Spanish, Polish, and English. If you have questions specific to your region, you can also contact your Area Coordinator based on your region/county.
Beginning in March 2022, Birth to Five Illinois will be holding additional community engagement meetings to answer questions, meet the community, and share more about what the work of the Councils will be. Visit the website or follow Birth to Five Illinois on social media for more information!
A Path to Equity: From Expanded Pre-kindergarten Access to Success in Elementary School
This study, with NORC at the University of Chicago and Start Early, investigates if and how the geographic placement of full-day pre-k classrooms within a school district matters for later student outcomes. It found that Chicago policies intended to increase access and enrollment to full-day, school-based pre-k were also related to higher kindergarten entry skills and ultimately better academic outcomes in second grade, particularly for high-priority students. Average second-grade math and reading test scores and academic grades increased the most for some high-priority student groups, including Black students, students in the lowest-income group, and students living in mostly Black neighborhoods.
Confront Colorism Guide: What it is, how to spot it, and what to do about it.
(photo description: photo of two people in a street, holding onto one another, smiling and gazing at the camera)
This website with content written by Jackie Menjivar answers many questions around colorism such as: What is Colorism? What’s the History of Colorism? What are the Systemic Consequences of Colorism? What are Some Pop Culture Examples of Colorism? How Can I Recognize Instances of Colorism? What Can I Do to Address Instances of Colorism?
Training and Events
Practical Strategies for Engaging Parents in Your Collaboration
Most people agree that parent engagement is critical. But HOW do collaborations engage parents in a way that takes into consideration their community needs and resources?! Join us for a four-part workshop series that delves into practical strategies for engaging parents in each of the four collaboration parent engagement roles – Family and Community Expert, Collaboration Parent Leader, Outreach Ambassador, and Advocate.
How to Engage Parents as Family and Community Experts in EC Collaborations | March 16, 2022
How to Engage Parents as Collaboration Leaders | March 30, 2022, 10am-12 pm
How to Engage Parents as Outreach Ambassadors | April 6, 2022, 10am-12pm
How to Engage Parents as Advocates | April 20, 2022, 10am-12pm
Intro to Systemic Racism | June 29 – 30, 2022
It is impossible to talk about systems-change without recognizing the insidious nature of racism and its role within systems. For this reason, the CS3 team contracted with Chicago Regional Organizing for Anti-Racism (CROAR) to provide trainings on this important subject. This event will take place virtually over the course of two days, June 29th from 9:00 am -12:30 pm and June 30th from 9:00 am -12:30 pm.
Equity from the Start: Taking Action, Shifting Power | June 7 – 8, 2022
Save the Date! The annual Partner Plan Act conference will take place virtually from June 7- 8, 2022. Registration will open in the Spring 2022.