IAFC Responds to Illinois General Assembly FY23 Budget

April 11, 2022

For Immediate Release: 04.09.22 

Wendy Cullitan, Director of Marketing & Communications, (847) 337-4461
Michael Kim, Director of Policy, 617-717-7325


Chicago … Today, the Illinois General Assembly passed a state budget that included some important investments for early care and education. Illinois Action for Children (IAFC) applauds the increased funding to the Early Childhood Block Grant (10%), Early Intervention (6.4%), and home visiting programs (6%).

Advocates had been asking for a 10 percent increase to four early childhood line items in the FY23 budget, and we are pleased with the increase that addresses all areas except for the Child Care Assistance Program. The budget also includes a new program ($2 million) for an Off-Hours Child Care Initiative. IAFC is a long-time advocate for flexible child care programs that meet parent needs, including families that work nontraditional work hours or variable work schedules. 

“We support this state budget that includes crucial increases to our early care and education services. As strong advocates, we know our work is not over,” said April Janney, IAFC President and CEO.

In March 2021, Governor Pritzker’s bipartisan Illinois Commission on Equitable Early Childhood Education and Care Funding (“Funding Commission”) report revealed that Illinois needs a $12 billion annual public investment in its early care and education system to support families and children adequately.

While we are moving in the right direction, we still have a lot to do collectively to achieve the vision of making Illinois the best state for families and children.

“Illinois Action for Children will remain steadfast in our efforts to ensure a just system for all children in Illinois,” added Janney. “We are committed to our continued fight for stronger systems and greater support for families throughout our state.”


Illinois Action for Children  

As a state and national leader in the early care and education field, Illinois Action for Children is distinguished by its “Strong Families, Powerful Communities” approach to child development, Pre-K and Head Start, and other family and community supports. Learn more at www.actforchildren.org.