Research Reports

Child Care for Children with Disabilities

How well is our child care system supporting children with disabilities? Our report series tries to answer this question by presenting the experiences of Chicago-area families and child care providers surveyed in Summer 2023. The findings point to ways we can strengthen our child care system so all children can access quality care regardless of their abilities.

Brief: Key Findings & Implications

Review key findings from our three reports and potential ways policy makers can focus investments in our child care system to improve access for children with disabilities.

View Brief

Experiences of Chicago-Area Families

Learn about parent experiences with finding and using child care for their children with disabilities and developmental delays and how child care difficulties have affected their families’ financial and mental well-being.

View Report

Experiences of Chicago Child Care Providers

Providers report their experiences with serving children with disabilities and developmental delays, including the number of children they serve, in what situations they have been unable to serve children, challenges they face when providing care and supports they would find useful.

View Home Providers Report

View Child Care Center Report

Research: Child Care for Children with Disabilities

We present new research on the experiences of parents and child care providers in meeting the child care needs of children with disabilities and developmental delays.

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