
See data related to child care, early childhood education, census, and Chicago Community Area profiles.

A young boy sitting at a desk coloring with another student in front of him

Cook County Child Care Data

Number and capacity of child care programs (Updated April 2024)

Cook County Census Data

Child population, children with parents in the labor force, children in poverty, children in low-income families (below 200% of poverty level), and the race or ethnicity of the general population. Updated: January 2024

Happy latina mother holding son in her arms and laughing on camera
A young Black mother holds her young child in her lap at an outdoor dining table. A friend is smiling and reaching the baby


Chicago Community Area Profiles

These profiles present key indicators of need within the 77 Chicago Community Areas, including the number of children in poverty, the unemployment rate, linguistic isolation, and public health statistics. Updated: Spring 2019

Legislative District Profiles

To help you advocate effectively, we have compiled profiles that detail the current early childhood landscape in your district.

Illustration of two overlapping speech bubbles with three dots in the left and a question mark in the right with yellow accents.

Connect with IAFC’s Research Team!

For more information and questions, please email:

David Alexander, Ph.D.
Director of Research

Marcia Stoll
Assistant Director of Research

Arunima Mehrotra
Senior Research Associate

Alejandra Flores
Research & Evaluation Analyst

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